General Incorporated Association Asia Association of Education and Exchange


Sep, 2017

"Mero Sachi" 2017 Nepal Student Exchange Project September Edition

The students of Akinori Seki's seminar at Tokyo Keizai University and Nepalese university students selected from among 180 applicants participated in a 12-day joint camp, which was the toughest program in the history of AAEE, but everyone kept their smiles and worked hard until the end. The members from Japan were a multinational and regional group from Japan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia. It was the most multicultural and educational program we have ever had.

Poster photo Mero Sathi Sep-thumb-700xauto-672.jpg


AAEE 一般社団法人アジア教育交流研究機構(@aaee_japan)がシェアした投稿